Welcome to Epiphany
Epiphany Church, a Gospel oriented community of the Episcopal Church in New Hampshire, loves God and our neighbors in Newport! Join us for Holy Eucharist on Saturdays at 5 p.m. Our leadership team, the Rev. Susan Langle, Priest-in-Partnership focusing on Pastoral Care, and the Rev. Lucretia Jevne, Priest Associate focusing on worship planning, are making plans and prayerfully listening to discern how we can share the Good News that hungry hearts are longing to hear.

Good Friday 7 pm Friday March 29 7 pm
Sunshine Diner EASTER BREAKFAST for Dinner – Saturday March 30 4-6 pm
Easter Vigil Saturday March 30 7 pm Family Friendly and JOYFUL!

We light these candles for all God’s prophets, confronting injustice and restoring the dream of a world of freedom and peace
Sharing the Good News

Here at Epiphany the pews have been moved to the walls and most of us sit in a circle in choir chairs. Led by a skilled pianist and our grand piano, the acoustics in the space support our songs of praise. Most Saturday evenings we celebrate Holy Eucharist. We are mindful of our neighbors, friends, and members who are vulnerable to infection. Thus, for the time being, everyone in the worship space is expected to wear a mask out of mutual care for each other.
We gather in the round for worship at 5 p.m. every Saturday evening. We sing ancient hymns, Taize chants and Gospel melodies that give us strength for the journey. All are welcome.
Sharing the Good Bread

Feeding the hungry makes our hearts sing. We keep a Little Free Food Pantry stocked on church grounds for neighbors to take what they need. The pantry offers cereal, small can goods, and a variety of books. We cook a monthly free community supper at what we call the Sunshine Diner. The diner is open on the last Sunday of the month at 4 p.m. The Sunshine Diner was on hiatus during the pandemic and has reopened with take out meals and an invitation to enjoy one at the picnic table and take one home for the next day.
Sharing the Good Space

TLC Family Resource Center based in Claremont, NH uses space at Epiphany to provide care and support to families in Newport. This enables struggling parents with limited transportation to access counselling, parenting coaching, and a wide range of free classes and services. The church space is seen as safe and welcoming by those who need a little TLC. The New Hampshire Troubadours, a regional choral ensemble, rehearses in this space and offer occasional concerts here. We also host a Tuesday night Twelve Step meeting.